TFC series
Drying tunnel for spraying booths and roller coater machines.
The exclusive side ventilation allows a more uniform drying and reduces the overall length of the tunnel, optimizing energy consumption and reducing operating temperatures. Available with standard working widths from
1800 to 3400 mm.
TFC Triple series
The three-store version of the TFC tunnel is the ideal solution for small spaces and to limit energy consumption.
Compared to a traditional tunnel of the same length, the time of permanence of the leather in the tunnel is 2.5 times longer.
Thanks to the automatic conveyors, the grain is always kept facing upwards.
TFC Hybrid series
Fratelli Carlessi has developed a new hybrid system that combines the advantages of TFC with radiant energy systems and makes the drying process much more flexible.
The addition of infrared lamps makes it possible to increase the heating power of a single element or the entire tunnel.
The power can be controlled for every single element in order to increase the heating capacity in presence of high loads of pigment sprayed or deposited with the roller-coater.
TES series
Electricity Powered tunnel
I tunnel Radiant tunnels combine the advantages of the absence of moving air masses (such as the lack of dust) and the stability of the leathers inside the tunnel.
Unlike ventilated tunnels, radiant tunnels have a much more compact structure. They are available in two versions: radiant panels (TES/S) and infrared (TES/IR).
The TES/S tunnel has long wave radiant energy panels, which cover the entire upper surface of the tunnel. This allows uniform heat transmission and therefore optimal drying for a high quality finished product. The main feature of the TES/S tunnel is its flexibility as it can dry different types of leather and even very thin ones.
The TES/IR tunnel, unlike the radiant panel tunnel, is equipped with medium wave infrared quartz lamps.
with radiant panels
Tunnel LAB
Electrically heated leather drying cabinet, suitable to work up to 120°C.
Steel supporting structure;
Dimensions: width 1m, length 2m, height 2,2m.
Insulation panels;
Leather support sticks;
Removable sample support grids;
20 kW electric heating battery;
Centrifugal recirculation fan for internal heating air circulation;
Electronic thermostat for internal temperature control;
Moist air extraction.
Fratelli Carlessi has additional elements and solutions to make the lines themselves more efficient and tailored to the customer's needs.
Heat recovery unit
Heat recovery systems to maximize energy savings and climate comfort.
SUPERVISION SYSTEM with PLC integrated with 21" colour industrial computer with LAN connectivity to a local area network via Ethernet connection for remote assistance
(Industry 4.0)
Connecting bridges
Transfer carpets and connection bridges to transform a multi-cabin and tunnel finishing line into shorter and independent lines.